Książka The Diaries of Franz Kafka by Max Brod

The Diaries of Franz Kafka Eng

Max Brod

Temat: Franz Kafka Pisarze obcojęzyczni

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"The Diaries of Franz Kafka" to książka o Franzie Kafce, jej autorem jest Max Brod.

These diaries cover the years 1910 to 1923, the year before Kafka’s death at the age of forty. They provide a penetrating look into life in Prague and into Kafka’s accounts of his dreams, his feelings for the father he worshipped and the woman he could not bring himself to marry, his sense of guilt, and his feelings of being an outcast. They offer an account of a life of almost unbearable intensity…

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ISBN: 9780805209068

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"The Diaries of Franz Kafka" to książka o Franzie Kafce.
Autorem "The Diaries of Franz Kafka" jest Max Brod.