Książka Gordon Ramsay's Playing with Fire by Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay’s Playing with Fire Eng

Gordon Ramsay

Temat: Gordon Ramsay Kucharze

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"Gordon Ramsay’s Playing with Fire" to książka o Gordonie Ramsay'u, jej autorem jest Gordon Ramsay.

The bestselling follow-up to Humble Pie, now in paperback. When he was struggling to get his first restaurant in the black, Gordon Ramsay never imagined he’d be famous for a TV show about how to run profitable eateries, or that he’d be head of a business empire. But he is and he did. Here’s how.

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ISBN: 9780007259885

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"Gordon Ramsay’s Playing with Fire" to książka o Gordonie Ramsay'u.
Autorem "Gordon Ramsay’s Playing with Fire" jest Gordon Ramsay.