John Hume - życiorys
John Hume.
Laureat wielu nagród, Four Freedoms Award - Freedom of Speech, Gandhi Peace Prize, honorary citizen of Palermo, honorary doctor of the University of Rennes 2, honorary doctorate of Trinity College Dublin, James Joyce Awards, Komandor Orderu Świętego Grzegorza Wielkiego, Peace Prize of Hesse, Pokojowa Nagroda Nobla, Seán MacBride Peace Prize.
1st Northern Ireland Assembly (1973–1974) Leader of the Social Democratic and Labour Party member of the 1973–74 Northern Ireland Assembly Member of the 1982–1986 Northern Ireland Assembly Member of the 1st Northern Ireland Assembly Member of the 49th Parliament of the United Kingdom Member of the 50th Parliament of the United Kingdom Member of the 51st Parliament of the United Kingdom Member of the 52nd Parliament of the United Kingdom Member of the 53rd Parliament of the United Kingdom Member of the Parliament of Northern Ireland
Powiązanie z miejscami
St Columb's College
Nagrody i odznaczenia
- Four Freedoms Award - Freedom of Speech,
- Gandhi Peace Prize,
- honorary citizen of Palermo,
- honorary doctor of the University of Rennes 2,
- honorary doctorate of Trinity College Dublin,
- James Joyce Awards,
- Komandor Orderu Świętego Grzegorza Wielkiego,
- Peace Prize of Hesse,
- Pokojowa Nagroda Nobla,
- Seán MacBride Peace Prize
Działalność polityczna
Imiona i ich znaczenie - biografie i książki
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