Tim Berners-Lee - życiorys
Tim Berners-Lee.
Informatyk, inżynier, nauczyciel akademicki, programista.
Laureat wielu nagród, m.in.: AAAS Fellow, ACM Software System Award, Axel Springer Award, Charles Stark Draper Prize, Computer History Museum fellow, członek Royal Society, Eduard-Rhein Technology Award, EFF Pioneer Award, Fellow of the British Computer Society, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Freedom of the City, honorary doctor of the Open University of Catalonia, honorary doctor of the Yale University, honorary doctorate from Harvard University, honorary doctorate of Lancaster University, honorary doctorate of the University Polytechnic of Madrid, IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award, Internet Hall of Fame, Kilgerran Prize, Lovelace Medal, MacArthur Fellowship, Marconi Prize, Medal Alberta, Millennium Technology Prize, Mountbatten Medal, Nagroda Japońska, Nagroda Quadriga, Nagroda Turinga, Obedience Award, oficer Orderu Imperium Brytyjskiego, OII Lifetime Achievement Award, Order Krzyża Ziemi Maryjnej 1. klasy, Order of Merit, Paul Evan Peters Award, Premio Princesa de Asturias de Investigación Científica y Técnica, President's Medal, Prix Ars Electronica, Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Royal Designer for Industry, Royal Medal, Rycerz Komandor Orderu Imperium Brytyjskiego, UNESCO Niels Bohr Medal, W. Wallace McDowell Award.
Sławni członkowie American Academy of Arts and Sciences Association for Computing Machinery First International Conference on the World-Wide Web National Academy of Engineering Członkowie amerykańskiej National Academy of Sciences Członkowie Royal Society The Web Conference 2018 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019
Wielka Brytania
Emanuel School / The Queen’s College w Oksfordzie
Znany/a głównie z kategorii:
Inne wykonywane zawody:
Nagrody i odznaczenia
- AAAS Fellow,
- ACM Software System Award,
- Axel Springer Award,
- Charles Stark Draper Prize,
- Computer History Museum fellow,
- członek Royal Society,
- Eduard-Rhein Technology Award,
- EFF Pioneer Award,
- Fellow of the British Computer Society,
- Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering,
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts,
- Freedom of the City,
- honorary doctor of the Open University of Catalonia,
- honorary doctor of the Yale University,
- honorary doctorate from Harvard University,
- honorary doctorate of Lancaster University,
- honorary doctorate of the University Polytechnic of Madrid,
- IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award,
- Internet Hall of Fame,
- Kilgerran Prize,
- Lovelace Medal,
- MacArthur Fellowship,
- Marconi Prize,
- Medal Alberta,
- Millennium Technology Prize,
- Mountbatten Medal,
- Nagroda Japońska,
- Nagroda Quadriga,
- Nagroda Turinga,
- Obedience Award,
- oficer Orderu Imperium Brytyjskiego,
- OII Lifetime Achievement Award,
- Order Krzyża Ziemi Maryjnej 1. klasy,
- Order of Merit,
- Paul Evan Peters Award,
- Premio Princesa de Asturias de Investigación Científica y Técnica,
- President's Medal,
- Prix Ars Electronica,
- Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering,
- Royal Designer for Industry,
- Royal Medal,
- Rycerz Komandor Orderu Imperium Brytyjskiego,
- UNESCO Niels Bohr Medal,
- W. Wallace McDowell Award
Wyznanie i światopogląd
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