Tiger Woods - życiorys
Tiger Woods.
Golfista, treser zwierząt.
Laureat wielu nagród, m.in.: Associated Press Athlete of the Year, BBC World Sport Star of the Year, Best Breakthrough Athlete ESPY Award, Best Championship Performance ESPY Award, Best Golfer ESPY Award, Best Male Athlete ESPY Award, Best Male Golfer ESPY Award, Best Record-Breaking Performance ESPY Award, California Hall of Fame, L'Équipe Champion of Champions, Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year, Library of Congress Living Legend, Showstopper of the Year ESPY Award, Sportowiec roku.
Stany Zjednoczone
Powiązanie z miejscami
Stanford University / Western High School
Nagrody i odznaczenia
- Associated Press Athlete of the Year,
- BBC World Sport Star of the Year,
- Best Breakthrough Athlete ESPY Award,
- Best Championship Performance ESPY Award,
- Best Golfer ESPY Award,
- Best Male Athlete ESPY Award,
- Best Male Golfer ESPY Award,
- Best Record-Breaking Performance ESPY Award,
- California Hall of Fame,
- L'Équipe Champion of Champions,
- Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year,
- Library of Congress Living Legend,
- Showstopper of the Year ESPY Award,
- Sportowiec roku
Wyznanie i światopogląd
185 cm
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