Książka Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen by Jeff Burger

Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen Eng

Jeff Burger

Temat: Leonard Cohen Wokaliści

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83.43 zł *

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Książka "Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen" opowiada losy Leonarda Cohena, jej autorem jest Jeff Burger.

Leonard Cohen, one of the most admired performers of the last half century, has had a strange and eventful life. Now, for the first time, he tells his story in his own words, via more than fifty interviews conducted worldwide between 1966 and 2012.   In Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen—which includes a foreword by singer Suzanne Vega and eight pages of rarely seen photos—the artist talks about “Bird on the Wire,” “Hallelujah,” “Famous Blue Raincoat,” and his other classic songs. He candidly discusses…

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ISBN: 9781613731789

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Książka "Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen" opowiada losy Leonarda Cohena.
Autorem "Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen" jest Jeff Burger.