okładka książki Hawking The Man The Genius and the Theory of Everything

Hawking The Man The Genius and the Theory of Everything

Levy Joel

Temat: Stephen Hawking Fizycy

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Opis książki

Książka "Hawking The Man The Genius and the Theory of Everything" opowiada o Stephenie Hawkingu, jej autorem jest Levy Joel (wydawnictwo Andre Deutsch).

Physicist Stephen Hawking was a scientist for the modern age. He is as renowned for his theories on time and space as he is for his unique life story. Undeterred by a debilitating illness, he trained his mind to work in a new way to become the leading light in modern science. This carefully researched biography tells Hawking’s story, highlighting his scientific breakthroughs and how, despite his struggle with a degenerative condition, he became the most celebrated and inspiring scientist of his generation. A beautiful design includes striking photographs, illuminating documents, and helpful sidebars that cast light on Hawking’s intellectual achievements.

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Wydawnictwo: Andre Deutsch

ISBN: 9780233005706

Liczba stron: 160

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Najciekawsze książki tego miesiąca

Książka "Hawking The Man The Genius and the Theory of Everything" opowiada o Stephenie Hawkingu.
Autorem "Hawking The Man The Genius and the Theory of Everything" jest Levy Joel.
Książka została wydana przez wydawnictwo Andre Deutsch.