Książka Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger

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"Total Recall" to książka o Arnoldzie Schwarzeneggerze, jej autorem jest Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In his signature larger-than-life style, Arnold Schwarzenegger&;s Total Recall is a revealing self-portrait of his illustrious, controversial, and truly unique life. The greatest immigrant success story of our time. His story is unique, and uniquely entertaining, and he tells it brilliantly in these pages. He was born in a year of famine, in a small Austrian town, the son of an austere police chief. He dreamed of moving to America to become a bodybuilding champion and a movie star. By the…

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ISBN: 9781451662443

Podobne książki

"Total Recall" to książka o Arnoldzie Schwarzeneggerze.
Autorem "Total Recall" jest Arnold Schwarzenegger.