Książka The Diana Chronicles by Tina Brown

The Diana Chronicles Eng

Tina Brown

Temat: Diana Monarchowie

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54.87 zł *

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Książka "The Diana Chronicles" opowiada losy Diany, jej autorem jest Tina Brown.

Twenty years after her death, Princess Diana remains a mystery. Was she „the people’s princess,” who electrified the world with her beauty and humanitarian missions? Or was she a manipulative, media-savvy neurotic who nearly brought down the monarchy? This book parts the curtains on Diana’s troubled time in the mysterious world of the Windsors.

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ISBN: 9781784758868

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Najciekawsze książki tego miesiąca

Książka "The Diana Chronicles" opowiada losy Diany.
Autorem "The Diana Chronicles" jest Tina Brown.