Książka I'm Your Man by Sylvie Simmons

I’m Your Man Eng

Sylvie Simmons

Temat: Leonard Cohen Wokaliści

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122.11 zł *

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Opis książki

Książka "I’m Your Man" opowiada o Leonardzie Cohenie, jej autorem jest Sylvie Simmons.

Explores various facets of Cohen’s life – from his early childhood in Montreal, to his entree into the worlds of literature and music, his immersion in Jewish culture, obsession with Christian imagery, and deep commitment to Buddhist detachment – including five years he spent at a monastery outside of Los Angeles.

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ISBN: 9780224090643

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Najciekawsze książki tego miesiąca

Książka "I’m Your Man" opowiada o Leonardzie Cohenie.
Autorem "I’m Your Man" jest Sylvie Simmons.